Penandatanganan Piagam Kerjasama antara HSBC dan Universitas Balikpapan. Piagam tersebut ditandatangani secara langsung di Universitas Balikpapan oleh Rektor Universitas Balikpapan (Uniba) Dr.Piatur Pangaribuan A.Md.S.H., M.H. dan Senior Vice President and Head of Corporate Sustainability HSBC Indonesia, Nuni Sutyoko (26/8).
Pada hari Senin, 26 Agustus 2019 pukul 09.00 WITA, bertempat di Conference Room Universitas Balikpapan, ditandatangani Piagam Kerjasama antara Universitas Balikpapan dengan PT. Bank HSBC Indonesia dalam kegiatan HSBC Educenter Workshop and Capacity Building: 1) CEO sharing session and building competencies of management professional elevating Indonesian youth millennial’s potential for future skills and starting their business in the age of disruption, and 2) Applied research workshop and financial management’s capacity building for SMES and NGOs building competencies of management professionals and accelerating productivity through entrepreneurship and small businesses development.